Tuesday, March 20, 2012

parenting the Gwyn.

what you need to be a parent to Gwyn:

1) a convincing smile for when you tell her to get dressed and she comes out in a long sleeved red leopard print shirt and hot pink tights and black boots.

2) understanding for the times you clean her room and find buckets of water under the bed and a moldy sandwich in the toybox.
3) tylenol and another smile for when she sings because she's loud, and proud, and repetitive. "yes very good Gwyn!" "okay I'll sing it again since you liked it!"

4) a constant look out for bugs so you can kill it before she sees it. If you fail, than have a good pair of ear plugs ready.

5) a protective box to put around your baby. She l
oooves to "help"

6) knowledge that you will never ever have anything of your own anymore. jewelry, make up, etc are not just yours but yours AND hers. This is especially true for snacks. She has the "Mommy has a secret snack radar" and she will hunt you down!

7) a ruler to always carry around to show her personal space. Maybe 2.

8) the ability to laugh at a completely random joke that makes no sense at all. "Why did the pig eat icecream? Why? because he forgot to put on his underwear!"

9) to know without a doubt that Gwyn is great at everything! Possibly even the best. (and really she is quite good whatever she tries to do) "mommy, I'm a great singer aren't I" "Mommy I want to dance ballet again.. I was great at it!" "Mommy I want to play Tball.. I know I would be awesome"

10) Energy drinks to keep up. Stock up.

11) if you are anti social.. get over it. She attracts attention
where ever she is.

12) self control and patience, patience, PATIENCE.

13) Dads should have a shot gun. She's beautiful and teenage
years will be super fun so be ready.

14) the love for companionship. She's always beside you where ever you go and if you aren't careful you could turn around a trip because she's right there.

15)thankfulness that you were blessed with this wild, crazy, exhausting, and awesome little girl.

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Alachua, Florida, United States
Michael - 26 Marissa - 27 Chandler - 7 Gwyneth - 4 Adele - 6 months